What's New in June?
Blue Morning Expressions.com got a complete long overdue makeover!
I finally started to bring all of my items home to one place. Even though I
continueto sell in other venues like bonanzle, etsy and occasionally eBay, I
wanted to get everything in one place. I have accomplished the store set up
and I am slowly building and moving everything in. Currently I have several
categories completed and stocked with all the inventory that I have with many
more to go.
One of the most exciting factors in building this store is the ability to run
specials, sales and coupon codes any time I like and with this, I am able to
give my regular customers special pricing.
I continue to create as many new beads as I can and I have 10 fresh sets of
floral rounds that I just uploaded to Blue Morning Expressions.com and 3 of
them are already sold. I spent some time doing some custom cane work so
I didn't get a lot of bead sets done this month but look for more next month.
I have some fresh ideas/pieces that I will be including so look for some new
I will be doing a lot more new canes as well, I took a ton of photos at a local
nursery to use as basis for my new canes and will be incorporating them into
the standards. Some of my photography can also be found on Shutterstock.com.
Bead Kits are ready to be photo'ed. I am starting with a simple ladybug necklace
kit for the kids and I will go from there. I am discontinuing the completed items
and will be offering the kits. I don't have the time to create the sets any more, yet
they are still in demand so this is the happy medium.
www.TheSeedBeadPatternStore.com has been successful and the sales
bounce back and forth between the actual site, where you can find over 300
patterns, and eBay which is limited to some of my booklets. If you
want digital download and immediate gratification, go to the website
www.theseedbeadpatternstore.com and download your bead
patterns. eBay requires me to provide a cd so there is the extra charge
for that and shipping, whereas the website has no additional charge.
If you have any problems with the files, I am right here to help, just
drop me an email and I will fix it for you.
There are more peyote patterns just waiting for me to get uploaded
and there are animal prints and my Fourth of July series that I have not
finished yet, so watch for those. There also is a couple of complete series
of patterns that are going to be focusing on limited colour pallets, so watch
for them as well.
www.x-stitch-patterns.com will be updated soon to accomodate a lot of the
4x4 patterns that I have sitting here. I did a lot of small images that are
perfect for the motif cards that I will be adding.
All kinds of good and new things going on!!
Use the coupon code loyal on www.bluemorningexpressions.com for
30% off your entire order before shipping. Shipping on the site is a flat
$2.75 in case anyone wants to know.
Thank you so much for all the input and emails. I enjoy all
the encouragement that you send my way.
Until next month,