Volume 7 Issue 3 March 2010
Lots of projects coming together. I have been preparing for a large bead contest and that has kept me busy completing projects and designing new ones. I have one more piece to finish and then I am done for 2010. This is my first entry into the Beadstar contest, so we will see what happens!
I finished the plumeria cane, the photo shows a distorted and elongated sample of it, but the finished one is a nice round petal and since this was an experiment, this is the only one that I have. I can get one chunk out of it for sale and that is it. The blend was created using white and yellow but a added a sliver of orange to it before I started my blend so I would have a distinct orange center.
I am working on a lot of new beads, I am out of stock on a lot of things, so that will keep me busy. I have new canes that I haven’t used yet and I have 4 sets of rounds that are still on the rack that haven’t been bundled and photo’d yet. I was going to use them for additional necklaces. They were created the same time as my tiger beads.
I want to do a lot of new flower canes and kaleidoscope canes, I have been gathering up my clay to start making my blends and my canes and I am looking forward to doing a whole new line of things!
I want to try a lot of new flowers and leaves and use a lot of bright colours. It is spring time and I can’t get enough colour right now!
www.theseedbeadpatternstore.com has been updated and all the bracelet patterns are up. I have a couple of the tapestries up but have not finished all of those yet. I added a few more wolf patterns and I have added a free pattern section. I will be putting up free patterns on the site.
If you have purchased bracelet patterns from me in the past and did not receive the 10 colour and under updates, please let me know and I will get those to you. I have updated the patterns to make it easier on everyone.
Fans of clip on earrings for big girls will find www.cliponearringsboutique.com restocked with earrings just for them. I added 20 sets of dangles with Swarovski, glass pearls, Czech faceted rounds and lots of iridescent and sparkly things. Also added were one of a kind sets of millefiori glass hearts, diamonds and chicklet beads.
www.x-stitch-patterns.com is still being worked on. It is behind the scenes so there should be no interruption of service.
My spring waterslide decals are now up. I added over 100 new patterns in the waterslide decal section on www.bluemorningexpressions.com
Watch for new beads featuring my decals and also watch for blank clay beads designed for your own decal creativity.
Thank you so much for all the input and emails. I enjoy all
the encouragement that you send my way.
Until next month,